The meeting was enjoyable and informative and an opportunity to meet so fellow rangers in one of our neighboring group. The Leicester group has a big patch which includes the city centre but also extends as far east as Market harborough. The two groups meet along route 63 at Bagworth. They have about 20 volunteers on the books and so are quite a big group. Their liaison ranger has just stepped down and Rory James has just taken on the role. At the meeting they decided that their priority is on route maintenance and signing. With some town centre and off road sections this is a much bigger challenge for them than us.
A few other points of interest that arose at the meeting:
- Lush (the new bodyshop?) are cycling from store to store using the NCN whereever possible - they are looking for some assistance with routes
- Leicester Skyride happening again this year - planning is just starting
- I am going to hold an events pack (promotional material) for use by both groups
- Useful Sustrans contacts:
Andy Cope (route monitoring)
Jane Chapman (signing Guru)
Kate Jones (events)
Sustrans promotions (more info on )
- “more haste less speed” – getting authorities to act with more haste to help develop sustainable travel solutions. Aim is to double the number of sustainable journeys by 2020
- 15 year anniversary of NCN – Sept 11th
- Smilelage / free your bike – fill in a form and get back info pack about cycling locally to you
- Fresh Air Miles rides September – currently about 30 of these in planning
- Bike Week 19-27 June
- Change You World 28 June- 3 July – swap a car journey
- Festivol 16-19July now has 80 people signed up (limit is 100)