Frustrating then that after all our hard work promoting we were only 8 riders plus 4 volunteers. Never mind the 8 people who joined us were very friendly and enthusiastic. We got the briefing done and we were on our way as the weather (thankfully) cleared.
Alan lead the way (easy job) and Eric road shotgun. Keith and Jane made sure everybody was OK and that junctions were safe to cross.
First stop Carlton where we had a quick stop and checked that the pace was comfortable for everyone. From Carlton we went under the railway and over the canal (the first of many crossings that day) and we were then on Route 52 heading south. A quick stop at the Water Park (wind was a bit fresh to linger) for toilets and ice cream (only Eric was mad enough) and we were on our way again - now heading towards Stoke Golding and our tea stop.
We continued to follow Route 52 along quiet country lanes through Coton in the Elms and Shenton and soon found ourselves in Stoke Golding where Jane and Ruth were waiting with tea and homemade cakes. The weather was nice enough to sit outside and it was difficult to tear ourselves away to get back on our bikes.
The return journey was a little hillier - a climb out of Stoke Golding into Dadlington and again from Shenton Station past the Bosworth Battlefield entrance towards Sutton Cheney. We were lucky enough to see a steam train at Shenton. From Sutton Cheney we picked up the gated road and were soon back at our starting point in Bosworth.
We think everybody had a good time - some kindly wrote emails to say so. I know that the volunteers enjoyed it. We were fortunate that the weather was kind and that we had a great bunch of people. But credit is due to all the group who put a lot of effort into promotion and planning.
I failed in my role as photographer for the day, but Ruth bailed me out by taking some at our tea stop - not many cycling pictures I'm afraid though - you will find them here The route if you are interested is here
So what are we doing in 2011?