We have spent a very pleasant couple of Tuesday evenings exploring the lanes around Hinckley. The original idea of the rides was to provide a sociable cycling activity for a number of cyclists who had recently been trained by LCC.
Uptake was a little disappointing (holidays were almost certainly a factor) but those who came along said they enjoyed it.
The 19th July saw a group of 5 of us cycle the lanes out to Stoke Golding, a refreshment stop there and return by a different (hillier!) route. The evening ended with a drink back at the Milestone.
The 26th July saw a group of 8 of us tackling a slightly longer route. We used the path by the side of Stoke Lane (is this a cycle path?) to take us to Dadlington. Here we resisted the newly reopened Dog & Hedgehog and instead had squash on the village green (what willpower!). From here we took an undulating (OK it was hilly!) route back through Stoke Golding and Wykin. We even managed a mile or two on Route 52. The evening finished with a drink back at the Milestone.
Yes we would have liked to have got a few more people out but I think everybody enjoyed themselves. What next?