I went out with Sustrans area manager Ed Healey yesterday and we rode the proposed route for NCN 524 from Nuneaton to Tamworth and its looking good. The proposed route is here http://ridewithgps.com/routes/818820.
Tuesday, 15 November 2011
NCN 524 Nuneaton / Tamworth - we have a route
I went out with Sustrans area manager Ed Healey yesterday and we rode the proposed route for NCN 524 from Nuneaton to Tamworth and its looking good. The proposed route is here http://ridewithgps.com/routes/818820.
Sunday, 23 October 2011
East Midlands Region Group Coordinator Meeting
Derby Cycling.
Derby has some great cycle routes. Coming from the south it was an easy (albeit quite long) ride to get to our meeting place at Derby station. Signing was very good with lots of traffic free routes right into the town centre. For a pre-meeting ride we cycled out to Etwell along NCN 54 much along an old railway track. At Etwell the route joins NCN 68 the Pennine Cycleway which will take you a hilly 355 miles to Berwick! It was only fairly recently that I became fully aware of the extent of this route. A well kept secret.
Meeting Points
Simon Geller who is the secretary for CycleNation gave some feedback on their recent annual conference in Sheffield. I must admit I had not heard of them before. They are an umbrella organisation for regional campaigning groups. You might want to check them out http://www.cyclenation.org.uk/index.php
Freshairmiles rides
I think there is a general problem in recruiting people onto rides - particularly novice riders. The key learning points from the discussion seemed to be:
- do something other than just a cycle ride - e.g a historical tour
- talk about time rather than mileage
- aa series of rides rather than a one off
FreeRange Kids
Dave Stevens from Sustrans outlined this campaign. It brings together a number of initiatives Sustrans has been doing for a while - "safe routes to schools", "diy streets", "bike it". There was a discussion about how ranger groups can support the campaign. There seemed to be a mixture of top down actions (e.g. policy and campaigning) and bottom up - lobby for a particular local issue (e.g. a cycle path to a local school).
As much as I like Coalville

Tuesday, 4 October 2011
Audax first timer

Thursday, 25 August 2011
Route 52: Coaville 6 São Paulo 5997
The shame at Hermando getting lost on my patch has motivated to improve the signage from Congerstone to Worthington. I've replaced all old-style or vandalised signs. I've put some confirmation signs in after junctions. I've put up 20-odd destination patches, most of which replace existing arrows and tell potential users about what is actually of interest on the route eg. mileage to towns/cities (Derby, Loughborough, Coalville, Nuneaton, Market Bosworth) and visitor attractions (currently Battlefield Centre only.)
I hope we can have a look at signing as a group and see what we can get sorted out.
The 52/63 links pretty much all of the visitor attractions in our area together: Grace Dieu, Snibston Discovery, Battlefield Line, Battlefield Centre, Conkers/Cycle Centre/YHA/Camping, Moira Furnace...we should aim to make people feel that they are on a 'network' which connects these visitor attractions, towns and little villages together. We also need to make sure signing is very clear where routes meet (52/63 and 52/6). Currently, the highways signing only really tells you which village is next. So, I can see why Hermando got lost!
However, our number one priority as a group should be improving the signage to...Belcher's Bar. It is a small hamlet near Ibstock just after the 63 crosses the A511. It does exist, it is on the maps and my Gran confirms that it is called Belcher's Bar. For comedy value, we need to get some destination patches for it ASAP!
Wednesday, 10 August 2011
All towns should be like this

I have described the route below, but first a word on Tamworth town cycling. Pick up a copy of the Tamworth cycle map (PDF here) and you are immediately struck by how many green routes there are. These are off road segregated cycle paths that take you around and through the town. Sure some are by the sides of roads, but many are through parks and open spaces. Whats more they interlink, they have good road crossings, are well signed and well surfaced - a delight to cycle.
Tuesday, 2 August 2011
Into Nuneaton on a bike
Wednesday, 27 July 2011
Hinckley (freshairmiles) Rides 2011
We have spent a very pleasant couple of Tuesday evenings exploring the lanes around Hinckley. The original idea of the rides was to provide a sociable cycling activity for a number of cyclists who had recently been trained by LCC.
Uptake was a little disappointing (holidays were almost certainly a factor) but those who came along said they enjoyed it.
The 19th July saw a group of 5 of us cycle the lanes out to Stoke Golding, a refreshment stop there and return by a different (hillier!) route. The evening ended with a drink back at the Milestone.
The 26th July saw a group of 8 of us tackling a slightly longer route. We used the path by the side of Stoke Lane (is this a cycle path?) to take us to Dadlington. Here we resisted the newly reopened Dog & Hedgehog and instead had squash on the village green (what willpower!). From here we took an undulating (OK it was hilly!) route back through Stoke Golding and Wykin. We even managed a mile or two on Route 52. The evening finished with a drink back at the Milestone.
Yes we would have liked to have got a few more people out but I think everybody enjoyed themselves. What next?
Sunday, 17 July 2011
Tamworth to Nuneaton on a bike
View Tamworth to Nuneaton in a larger map
Shawn and I had a very pleasant afternoon out recently in the company of Ed Healey (Sustrans area manager for West Midlands) and Katie AT (Sustrans Volunteer Coordinator south). We were a little off patch but were doing a "reccie" on a new planned NCN route between Tamworth and Nuneaton. The proposed route here was put together by Ed and Patrick Davis (retired Sustrans Area manager for East Midlands).
My first time to Tamworth on a bike and I have to say I was impressed. Plenty of off road cycle paths provided an easy route out of town. (maps here if you are interested). Nuneaton was a very different story - the cycling provision here is very poor and we struggled to find an acceptable route from Hartshill to our intended destination at Nuneaton Station. Suggestions from anybody who knows Nuneaton well would be very welcome.
The only other real problem area was around Whateley south of Tamworth. Here a promising link turned out to be a footpath rather than a bridleway and we needed to cycle for a stretch along Trinity Lane which was none too pleasant with lots of heavy traffic. We want to look at another route (to the West) out of Tamworth which should avoid this bit of road.
The meat of the route was very pleasant utilising parts of the North Warwickshire Cycleway and passing by Hartshill Hayes Country Park
So a bit more exploration needed, but overall this looks promising. Ed sees that this could be Ranger signed. The Nuneaton group has a new Group Coordinator (john Gabriel) so this could be a project that they would pick up, however I'm sure they would welcome help from us. I plan to get in touch with John shortly.
Wednesday, 29 June 2011
Watermead Park and NCN 6

Oh the benefits of retirement. Jane and I had a free day today so we decided to take a trip out to Watermead park in Leicester and see how Sustrans have been spending their Connect2 money, and at the same time we (well me anyway) wanted to try out NCN 6 through the middle of Leicester. Well what a great day we had. Watermead is a great place - lots of water!, great cycle tracks and hardly anybody there.
Festival of Leisure Sustrans stand
Sunday, 26 June 2011
Festival of Leisure Bike ride. The Conkers Circuit
The fresh air miles ride around the Conkers Circuit was sparsely attended (4 rangers, 10 enthusiastic members of the public) but was enjoyed by all. Here is a picture record of a passable first organized ride for the Gresley Rangers- the weather was scorching (35C) but everyone was up to the challenge and all went away with smiles and pleasant memories-I hope!
first the briefing-everyone listen up! Ben!
Friday, 17 June 2011
Stoke Golding cycle group is born (again)

We took a very leisurely ride into Market Bosworth following National Cycle Route 52 through Shenton and Far Coton. We stopped at the Red Lion for a well earned pint or two before cycling back. There was much debate on which route to use back, but the concensus was "no up hills please", so we ruled out the gated road and came the direct way through Shenton & Dadlington. We were all set to go home when we learned that Steve was in the newly reopened Dog and Hedgehog so we stopped of there for another drink.By the time we left it was well and truly dark and we all realised that our lights were not as good as we thought, but we old made it home in one piece and vowed we would be there again next week.
PS. Heres the route we took http://ridewithgps.com/routes/465983 - an easy 11 miles
Route 6 / 52 Familiarisation Ride - 11th June
Castle Donington/ Wilson/Worthington/ Coalville/Worthington/Derby/Long Eaton/Castle Donington
Riders :- Alan, Ben, Keith
This ride was organised to bring-about a better understanding of each other’s routes.
We set off from Castle Donington on a beautiful sunny day, through groups of young ‘ Download Fans ’ attending the rock concert at the Donington Park Circuit. We were quickly onto Route 6 at Wilson along Forty Foot Lane and enjoying steady progress towards Worthington. Over the A42 near Breedon on the Hill, then on to Worthington looking at the Worthington Lane entry to the car-park noting its missing sign. Back to continue on Route 6, a quick look at the Cloud Hill (very deep) Quarry and on to Top Brand. Here the Cloud Trail becomes The Garendon Trail and we continued on to Osgathorpe, through to where Route 6 meets Route 52. A right turn and down to the A512 facing the Grace Dieu Priory, crossing to start the Grace Dieu Trail alongside the wood (not forgetting the Iron Maddona). On leaving the trail straight-on through Thringstone/Whitwick following Route 52 signs through the splendid Hermitage Country Park to the A511 island. Straight-on up Whitwick Road to the Council Offices at Coalville, across to the temporarily signed Route 52 through the town and stopping for a well earned cup of tea at Snibston Discovery Park.
We continued along Ashby Road to the next island to turn right down the hill to Swannington and Peggs Green. Straight across the A512 island to Griffydam and along Top Brand to turn left down Bull Hill into Worthington. A quick look at the lock-up and this time returning to Route 6 via Manor Drive. The wind was with us and we made very rapid progress to Derby by-passing Melbourne/Kings Newton then along the Trent & Mersey Canal to Swarkstone Lock. Turning here through Chellaston alongside the River Derwent to Derby where we had to pick our way through a very fancy wedding going on at the register office.
A quick look round the square and back on to Route 6 towards Borrowash (Route 6 splits in Alvaston Park). We take a right turn off Route 6 to visit Elvaston Castle, then on through Borrowash and Draycott to return to the route through Breaston and on to Long Eaton. Through West Park over the Erewash Canal, pointing out Route 67 to Shipley Country Park and the continuance of Route 6 to Nottingham and beyond. We turn right along Tamworth Road and get onto the path along the Erewash Canal to Trentlock. Starting here by the Cranfleet Canal is the Trent Valley Way alongside the mighty River Trent to Attenborough/Beeston/ Nottingham and the National Water Sports Centre at Holme Pierrepont.
We turn right going the opposite way alongside and over the Trent to Sawley Cut/Sawley Marina, where we get on a path by the B6540 to Castle Donington. A glass of beer at the Crown Pub to celebrate a good ride/a good day out and then down Back Lane to Castle Donington and the cars for home. - 51 miles
Sunday, 3 April 2011
Bicycle Thieves

Today, I came face-to-face with the cyclist's worst enemy, the bicycle thief. On locking my supermarket-bike up with my Abus chain lock (65 Euros of German steel) and a cheap wire lock for the front wheel, I remarked that the Bianchi men's mountain bike and a good woman's mountain bike next to my bike were secured by a relatively thin cable lock. When Kimberley and I came back to my bike, we saw two Italian men, one pretending to be on the phone, the other chopping through the wire with the pliers. A busy piazza, loads of people around, nobody cared. By the time we had ran over to the lazy police at the other end of the piazza, they had just gone, and the police didn't even bother radioing anyone. I am sure that this sort of crime will be on the increase in the UK, so I would just like to remind you all to be careful where and how you lock your bike up, don't leave it for too long and to invest in the best locks money can buy.

Wednesday, 23 March 2011
Useful Information?
Friday, 18 March 2011
Deepest Leicestershire
Tuesday, 15 March 2011
Liaison Ranger Conference - Bristol March 2011

I attended the Bristol Liaison Ranger Conference at Bristol last weekend. The format of the weekend was an afternoon ride on the Friday followed by presentations and workshops the following day. There was a total of about 70 Liaison Rangers there (another 70 were at the Liverpool conference the previous week). Overall an enjoyable and useful weekend and despite funding issues (see below) the weekend was very upbeat.
I can give some more detail when we meet, but here are a few snippets for now:
Sustrans and volunteering in numbers ...
There was lots of recognition and thanks for the huge contribution made by an army of volunteers. In numbers ...
2704 Rangers, (3239 total volunteers) across 210 Groups
25% female; 11% age 26-40; 32% 41-55; 33% 42-64 and 23% active
average volunteer gives 4-5 hours / month
13000+ miles of NCN, 57% of population within a mile of the network
Volunteer Roles
Work has been done to more formally define roles other than the traditional "Ranger" role. The Liaison Ranger is now called a Group Coordinator and roles have been defined for signing champions; publicity; media; workday organiser; ride and walk leader; fundraising. Along with this the recruitment and induction process has been overhauled.
We should think which of these roles we might want to establish more formally in our group.
Sustrans Funding
Sustrans continues to get central funding from Scotland and Wales, but the central funding from England which came through (the now defunct) Cycling England has ceased. The government has given some interim funding for 2011, but going forward Sustrans will need to negotiate with (120!) local authorities.
Other Groups
There was a slot where other groups gave a 60 second update on their successes in 2010. What was apparent was the diversity of what groups focus on and get involved in e.g: Dr Bike; public bike rides; local campaigning; route maintenance (some quite heavy work); route development; ecology. This was borne out by chats with other people - the groups reflect the local issues and the interests of people in them.
Other Snippets
- Sustrans now has some limited capacity to do ride leader training
- they seem keen for groups to get involved in local planning issues that impact local cycle facilities (I went to a workshop on this)
Wednesday, 9 March 2011
Hooray - Leicester Cycle Maps are on their way
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Hi everybody
Had a email today from Josh Wilce at LCC to say that the NW Leicestershire Cycle Map (now called Coalville area) is at the printers is should be available by the end of March. You may remember that Keith and I were involved in the development of this map. The map is one of a range of 6 maps which also includes reissued Hinckley and Bosworth and Loughborough maps. There are also new maps covering Market Harborough and Melton Mowbray. And, wait for it ... a Leicester Map (shock horror).
I have seen a PDF of the Coalville Map, but I have not seen any of the others - I am also not sure on the availability of the others, but I believe they were all to be issued at the same time as part of their "Choose How You Move" campaign. I have asked Josh for a stock of the Coalville Maps and a handful of each of the others. If we are going to do a Skyride stall again then we can stock up for that nearer the time.
I am guessing that I won't have these in time for our meeting on 3rd April, but hopefully they will be available soon afterwards. I will keep you posted.
Thursday, 3 March 2011
Would you be Bonkers for Conkers?

Les Sims,Liason Ranger for Derby with Alan,Ben and myself along with other enthusiatic Rangers from the Derby and Erewash Ranger groups are organizing a Ranger Event (In fact a camp) at Conkers during September 2011. The event is now firmly in our diaries and will take place from Thursday 7th September to Tuesday 13th September. Camping is available at the site mentioned in the proposal but Rangers (and families) are welcome to join us for odd days or rides. This will primarily be a social get together for Midland Rangers to discuss matters Sustrans, cycling and anything else that comes to mind.
I have cut and pasted a copy of the proposed programme of events FYI:
Thursday 8th Free rides using leaflets. Evening ride led by Burton/Swadlincote Rangers to a local hostelry, preferably off-road for the return journey.
Friday 9th: More arrivals (weekenders).More free rides.Evening - Social gathering in private room at the Navigation Inn. It is "Steak Night" (£3.99) with entertainment!
Saturday 10th: Short ride to Hicks Lodge Cycle Centre for mountain biking.Two longer guided rides. One to Bosworth Battle Field and the Battlefield Heritage Railway at Shackerstone. Led by West Leicestershire Rangers .One to Melbourne/Calke Abbey/Staunton Harold, led by Derby Rangers.
Evening - Pop Concert at The Pokey Hole which is, I understand the Conkers Amphitheatre. The performers are T-Rex supported by The Small Fakers, and tickets are £20. Advisable to book in advance via Conkers (Tel: 01283 760265).
Sunday 11th: Short ride to Hicks Lodge Cycle Centre for mountain biking.Guided ride to National Memorial Arboretum at Alrewas and Fradley Junction (Canal).Guided ride to Melbourne for Arts Festival.Weekenders leave for home.
Monday 12th: Guided ride to Abbots Bromley for Ancient Horn Dance.Further guided evening ride finishing at the Navigation Inn for another meal and a pint.
Tuesday 13th: Those still standing leave for home.
One of the main objectives of the camp is to test and refine route maps, planned and designed by Rangers, to pass on a legacy to the Conkers site/National Forest Cycling centre . These will be turned into leaflets and maps for the public to use. The Nation Forest company is interested in covering the cost of designing and printing these. You have perhaps noted that West Leics Rangers are to lead a ride so I hope you will be to support us in doing this.
If you are interested in camping then please contact the Campsite at Conkers yourself to book how ever many nights you wish to stay. Please mention the fact you are a Sustrans Ranger as if we have enough campers they will try to put us all together in one part of the site.
Please put the dates in your diary for now. ask Alan, Ben or myself for more details when you next see us or of course via this blog,telephone or email.
Thursday, 10 February 2011
2010 Annual Review
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We are now well into the new year and developing our plans for 2011 (more of this in a future blog). However before 2010 is finished I thought it was worth a few words to reflect on what we achieved in 2010.
At the beginning of 2010 we met as a group and thought about what we wanted to achieve during the year. Given that the routes in our area are relatively low maintenance we decided that the focus for the year should be on getting more people cycling by promoting local cycling opportunities and organising led rides. Basically we wanted more people to be aware of the local cycling opportunities and we wanted people to have the knowledge and confidence to get out on bikes.
We did promotional events at Bosworth Farmers Markets and also Skyride – the latter was particularly successful and we got to speak to literally hundreds of interested people. However it proved hard work to attract people onto the (Fresh Air Miles) led rides. We had scheduled some shorter “back to cycling” rides but only got 1 taker. However our 15 mile NCN anniversary rides was more popular and despite a few last minute “no shows” we had a very successful and enjoyable ride through the lanes around Market Bosworth.
We should remember that the West Leicestershire ranger group was only formed late in 2009 and that most of the volunteers are new to Sustrans. A year on we now have a really good group of enthusiastic and willing volunteers. As a group we learnt a lot during 2010 particularly in relation to promotion and leading rides and we are now in a much stronger position as we look forward to 2011.
My thanks to all the volunteers for both their time and enthusiasm.
Alan White – West Leicestershire Liaison Ranger