Sunday, 26 June 2011

Festival of Leisure Bike ride. The Conkers Circuit

The fresh air miles ride around the Conkers Circuit was sparsely attended (4 rangers, 10 enthusiastic members of the public) but was enjoyed by all. Here is a picture record of a passable first organized ride for the Gresley Rangers- the weather was scorching (35C) but everyone was up to the challenge and all went away with smiles and pleasant memories-I hope!

first the briefing-everyone listen up! Ben!

All set for the off- now were's the local MP when you need her!

The girls enjoying a much needed rest at the Navigation-Half way now!

How come the leader is at the back?-Top side Albert village Lake.

Speeding around the lake to check out....

The vociferous rescue dogs...Newfoundland??

Back at base. Les please put the kettle on we are proper parched!!

1 comment:

  1. Help Alan! How come |i have cut off the right hand side of my post? looks OK on the derby blog if you want to check it out.
