On the morning of Friday the 15th of June, Robert
and I ventured out to a section of route 52 – so fortunately placed at his back
door – that he had wanted to work on because of it constantly collecting
rainwater flowing down the slope, - great for the plant life on both sides but
not so for path users. To aid it on its way down we dug through the grass on
the downward slope at key points, with the effect being noticeable almost right
away. Now the water drains much better, although it’s probable the makeshift
drainage ditches will soon be filled with vegetation, making this something to
be repeated on a fairly regular basis. Robert also cut back thorny plants such
as blackthorn and dogs rose that had begun to encroach on the path.

Once that was completed, we followed route 52 to Gracedieu
Priory so I could learn more about the route and Sustrans in general. The trail
seemed well managed, though just as it reaches the turn-off to the priory and
the end of the woodlands a tremendous rotten branch had snapped off an Ash
tree, presumably in the previous nights storm, taking with it a fair deal of
neighbouring Sycamore branches. Being too large to move and blocking the path
almost entirely, attempts were made to report it, - it will not be long before
All in all, a productive day and the route has been improved
somewhat. A crying shame, though, that the sporadic downpours were not avoided.
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